Other Services
Social Security representation involves appointing a person to represent the consumer in matters concerning Social Security benefits. The representation can be for applications, reconsiderations, or appeals for obtaining Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), assistance with overpayments, income reporting problems, continuing disability reviews (CDRs), and the cessation of payments from Social Security. Once assigned, the representative can file applications, examines and submits medical records, and speaks on behalf of the consumer. For more information contact the Employment & Representative Services Manager.
Employment services include general help with job searches and benefits counseling. The Ticket to Work (TTW) program provides supports to obtain, advance, or retain employment. Anyone from the age of 18 to 64 who receives Social Security benefits is eligible for the program. Benefits counseling is provided to Ticket to Work individuals and includes education on the effect of working on their benefits and the implementation of work incentives when applicable. Work incentives assist with those costs associated with a disability that allows the individual to work. The incentives might help the individual retain benefits or make more income to pay for those work expenses. For more information contact the Employment & Representative Services Manager.
Would a home modification help you to remain independent in your home? BRILC might be able to assist you. BRILC is an agent for Virginia Housing’s Rental Unit Accessibility Modification and Granting Freedom grants. These programs provide up to $6,000 to renters and/or homeowners in need of home modifications. The funds can be used for home modifications such as ramps, railings, tub cuts, grab bars, accessible toilets, etc. Sometimes we also have access to other funds that we have received from localities or private grants. Need a home modification, contact us!
BRILC provides assistance to individuals with disabilities to locate affordable, accessible housing. If you are homeless or in need of affordable, accessible housing, contact us. We also provide Community Housing Guide services to individuals in the Developmental Disabilities Waivers. BRILC supports an individual’s move to independent housing by helping with transition and tenancy sustaining activities. We collaborate with the Community Services Board Support Coordinator, regional housing specialist, and others to enable the individual to achieve and sustain integrated, independent living.